Believers can best exercise their freedoms that come from being saved by grace along through faith alone in Christ alone by living according to the Holy Spirit’s personal guidance and respecting the convictions of other believers.
Christians should submit to the government while being on a mission for Christ. Evil can be conquered in this world if we hate what is evil and by doing good. The correct response you should have once you understand the theology that Paul has presented in Chapters 1-11 of Romans is to offer yourself as a living sacrifice in order to bring Him glory and serve others. God has offered His mercy to both the Jews and the Gentiles so that everyone who believes in Him can have salvation. Everyone has the responsibility to believe and have faith in order for their hearts to be made right with God and to be given salvation. Has God failed to fulfill His promise to Israel? Of course not! We can see throughout history that God has bee faithful to fulfill His promises to His chosen people. Because of the overwhelming victory believers have in Christ, nothing and no one will ever be able to separate us from God’s love. God has set us free from the power of sin and death by giving us the Spirit of Jesus so we can set our minds on the things of the Spirit and no longer struggle with sin in our lives. Believers will continue to struggle with sin because there is a war that is going on inside of us between what we want to do and what we actually end up doing. |
February 2025