Believers can best exercise their freedoms that come from being saved by grace along through faith alone in Christ alone by living according to the Holy Spirit’s personal guidance and respecting the convictions of other believers.
Christians should submit to the government while being on a mission for Christ. Evil can be conquered in this world if we hate what is evil and by doing good. Join us for a special service as our missionaries Josh and Lidia Kuhn share about their ministry in Brazil with Ethnos360! Interested in Supporting the Kuhn Family: The correct response you should have once you understand the theology that Paul has presented in Chapters 1-11 of Romans is to offer yourself as a living sacrifice in order to bring Him glory and serve others. Because God loves you so much, all you need to do is believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior to have eternal life! This Christmas, we can sing a new song to God because we are filled with joy over the wonderful things He has done for us! We can find peace and comfort in our lives because we know the Sovereign Lord has already come and we have hope that He will come again as He promised. Those who are in times of darkness and despair can have hope that Jesus will make all things right for all of eternity. #Advent What are you thankful for? Believers can trust that God will do what He says He will do because His faithful love endures forever! |
February 2025