The Hidden Option Series
God called Gideon to eliminate the reasonable options so that He would get the glory. In week 2 of The Hidden Option, Pastor Trent reminds us that there are times when God calls us to trust Him to do things that seem impossible.
The Hidden Option Series
Many times we are faced with making a choice between yes or no... black or white. But sometimes, there is a hidden option that can only be seen when we view the situation the way God sees it! #TheHiddenOption
Stand Alone Sermons
What is the purpose of the Church? What is the mission that God has placed on His Church? The answer has been given to us in Matthew 28:16-20.
The Book of Esther Series
In the final scenes of Esther, we see God reverse what the enemies of his people intended to achieve, and we see him grant rest for his people. Moreover, we see his people rejoicing and seeking to remember their great deliverance.
The Book of Esther Series
Much like Paul in Romans 9, Esther, has unceasing pain and anguish at the thought of her people perishing; therefore, she pleads with Xerxes for their preservation.
December 2024